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Set your PII Data Retention Policy

Set a time frame for keeping PII (Personal Identifiable Information) data stored on the CloseAlert servers

Yori Högemann avatar
Written by Yori Högemann
Updated over 6 years ago

Please note that this feature is accessible for users with 'project admin' rights only.

Determine the PII data retention policy

Please go to Settings > PII data retention policy. Here you can select a time frame, after which all PII data will be deleted, by selecting the dropdown:

You can choose between the options:

  • 30 days

  • 3 months

  • 6 months

  • 1 year

  • None

Please note: after this period, the PII data will be automatically and permanently purged from our servers.  In case you want to store this data for a longer period of time, we suggest to think about importing this data into a proprietary system via an automatically generated (S)FTP export. 

Merge tags capturing PII data

PII data is only part of a response, namely: any information that, either directly or indirectly, distinguishes one person from another and influences the anonymity of this person.
On the PII data privacy policy page, you'll find an overview of all merge tags that are marked as PII data. CloseAlert uses a few default merge tags that are considered PII:

  • email

  • mail_url

And for the question type 'Form':

  • input field: Email address

  • input field: Phone number

  • input field: Postal code (Dutch)

If you manually add additional merge tags via your ESP settings, you need to indicate whether these capture PII data or not. Once done so, it will appear in the list, as shown below:

Will I lose my feedback?

No, as PII data is only part of the data captured, only this specific information is removed. Consequently, complete anonymous feedback will remain available within CloseAlert. 

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