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Add merge tags

How you can send along available data from your ESP to your customer feedback results in CloseAlert

Yori Högemann avatar
Written by Yori Högemann
Updated over a week ago

Please note that this feature is accessible for users with 'project admin' rights only.

You'll access the ESP settings from the project settings in the top right-hand corner of CloseAlert:

After you enter the ESP settings and have selected your ESP, you have the option to add, remove, and edit your custom merge tags under 'Step 2: ESP settings'.

Add merge tags

If you want to capture additional information (in addition to the standard merge tags) along with the customer feedback, manually add merge tags under ‘Add merge tags’.

In the first field, you enter the merge tag name as it appears in the URL. In the data export, you'll find an additional column once added. The second field is the merge tag in its format from your ESP. 

In the example below:
‘linking’ is the merge tag as it appears in the URL and ‘{{broadcast_field=’linking’}}’ is the merge tag name from your ESP; i.e. linking={{broadcast_field=’linking’}}

Make sure you indicate whether these added merge tags capture PII data or not. You can do so by ticking the box behind 'This is PII data'.

For additional information about the usage of merge tags, please read The Basics of Merge Tags.

Remove custom merge tags 

If you delete a custom merge tag, this cannot be undone. The merge tag column and corresponding results will be removed from the (FTP) exports.

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