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What is CloseAlert?
Yori Högemann avatar
Written by Yori Högemann
Updated over a week ago

CloseAlert offers forms to help marketers measure customer satisfaction (CSAT) and improve the customer experience. We offer different types of forms to measure the CSAT of your emails, journeys, processes and customer relationships to really understand what your customers want, think and feel.  

The majority of all customer interactions take place through email. That is why email is one of the biggest influencers of the customer experience. Our advanced integrations with existing email and marketing automation providers makes it very easy to ask for customer feedback on your (existing) email touchpoints.  

How does it work?

  1. Create and implement a form.

  2. Analyze the results in real-time. 

  3. Act and follow-up on received customer feedback.

Go to the next section and learn how to create a Form: Form Creation.

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