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How the NPS, CES, Sentiment and Rating Score are calculated
How the NPS, CES, Sentiment and Rating Score are calculated

Calculation of the different scores in CloseAlert

Yori Högemann avatar
Written by Yori Högemann
Updated over a week ago

Sentiment Score

This score is always based on the sentiment question style. This question can be answered with either a positive or a negative answer.

The sentiment score ranges from -10 to 10 and provides a quick indication of the overall sentiment.
It's calculated as following:

Total responses= 53
Positive = 49
Negative = 4

Positive (49) - Negative (4) = 45
45 / 53 (total) = 0.85
0.85 x 10 = 8.5
Your sentiment score is 8.5.


The Net Promotor Score (Relational or Transactional) is a fixed, non adjustable 11-point scale question. Answers differ from very unlikely (0) up to very likely (10).

Detractors (score 0 to 6) are detracted from the promotors (score 9, 10) and divided by the total number of answers to generate your NPS score: 

Promoters (9 or 10):
Promoters are loyal, enthusiastic fans and sing your company’s praises to friends and colleagues. This group is most likely to remain customer and increase purchases over time. 

Passives (7 or 8):
This group is "passively satisfied" this entails that they are satisfied - for now. Their repurchase and referral rates are up to 50% lower than those of promoters. Referrals are likely to be qualified and less enthusiastic. Most telling: if a competitor’s ad catches their eye, they may defect.

Detractors (0 to 6):
Detractors are unhappy customers and account for more than 80% of negative word-of-mouth. Amongst this group churn and defection rates are high. Their criticisms and bad attitudes diminish a company’s reputation, discourage new customers, and demotivate employees.


The Customer Effort Score (CES) uses a fixed 5-point scale, where 1 implies low effort and 5 high effort.
The CES is calculated as the average of all given responses.
Please note:
The lower the score, the better. This means that is easy for your customer to do business with your company.


The rating question allows you to collect feedback on how your customers rate a specific aspect of your offering.
Measuring customer satisfaction commonly uses a 5-point scale, where 1 implies "Very dissatisfied" and 5 "Very satisfied". The scale can be customized to a commonly used scale in your company; any rating from 3 to 10.
The Rating is also calculated as the average of all given responses. 

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