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Form settings

Edit the form name, default texts, and error messages. Edit the branding, include a statement or form specific privacy policy.

Yori Högemann avatar
Written by Yori Högemann
Updated over 6 years ago

You can easily change individual form settings. In this article we will explain how to change the form name, the form text and error messages. Learning how to 'Setup a link to your own Privacy policy' or 'Create a redirect after giving feedback' will be explained in separate articles. 

If you want to change the default settings of a form, go to Forms > Your Form Name and click on the Form settings tab.

Change the form name

If you have had second thoughts about your form’s name, change it here and click on the 'Save' button. We advise choosing a name that is easily recognizable to both you and your colleagues.

Change the text in a form

As shown below, you can edit several default texts. This can be especially helpful if you want to customize the language of a form. Simply edit the text and click on the 'Save' button. If you change the default texts, don't forget to double check your form by clicking on Preview.

Change the text of error messages

The 'Form' question type has several input fields that are validated. If a customer enters an incorrect input, an error message will be displayed. Here you can change the default error messages.

Edit the branding template

This setting is available to project admins only.
Branding templates can be created and edited under your project settings, read here how to.

By default, the default branding template is selected when you create a form. May you want to change the branding template, easily click the dropdown menu and select the right template.

Add or change the general statement

By clicking 'General statement', you will be able to add a link to a specific webpage, e.g. your help center. This statement will appear at the bottom of the feedback form.

Add or change the privacy policy

Setting a privacy policy for a specific form is possible and will overrule the general policy on that specific form only. Add the privacy policy URL and the privacy policy statement as shown below. These will subsequently be included in the footer of the CloseAlert form. 

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