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Question type: Multiple Choice
Question type: Multiple Choice

How to set up a Multiple Choice Question, how to use Single and Multiple answers, and how to add an 'Other' option

Yori Högemann avatar
Written by Yori Högemann
Updated over a week ago

How to set-up a MC question?

Depending on the use case of the Multiple Choice question, you can create a MC form in any of the categories, apart from the Email satisfaction category (as this category always starts with the sentiment question). 

For example, if you'd like to know your customers' main reason for placing an order, make use of a MC question in order to find out. As this question is based on a process the customer just went through, you'll need to create a form in the Customer journeys section. Create a custom form here: 

Change the question type into Multiple Choice and type in your question. You can insert as many answers as you'd like. We, however, strongly advise using no more than 5 answer choices. Keep your questions short and simple. More choices lead to sharper insights, but too many choices can lead to obscurity.

You can decide to let your respondents choose only one single answer, or give them the possibility to choose multiple answers.

Single choice answer

By default, your respondents have the possibility to choose one single answer:

Since every answer is unique, you can skip to additional questions, based on any of the question answers. Add these follow-up questions to your form, and make sure you select the right question behind every answer under 'Skip to':

Multiple choice answers

May you want to give your respondents the possibility to select several answers, you'll need to adjust this in your question settings:

Since there will be no unique answers anymore, you cannot set specific questions based on answers. Every respondent who fills out this question, will be skipped to the same follow-up question. The 'Skip to' field is therefore now placed behind the question:

Automatically, a text is enabled underneath your question which states that multiple answers are possible. This text can be adjusted under your Form settings > Text in form:

Below you see an example of how this would look like in your form:

Adding an 'Other' option

In case you ask your customers a multiple choice question, and you're not sure you've covered every answer option, it is recommended to give your respondents the possibility to add an 'Other' option, in which they can formulate their own answer.

Adding an 'Other' option can be done in your question settings:

By default, the description 'Anders, namelijk' is added. This is how it would look like in your form:

When a respondent selects this option, the description will move to the top of the answer field and this field will be emptied:

Read here for information how to view your multiple choice results and how your export looks like.

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