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Implement your form

How to implement a standard or custom widget into your email

Yori Högemann avatar
Written by Yori Högemann
Updated over a week ago

After having created, saved, and previewed your form, it is time to implement the form in your email. Start by selecting the implement button;

The implementation process includes two simple steps.

Watch our tutorial (1:21 mins) on how to do this or continue reading below;

Step 1: Select your ESP

You first need to select the email service provider in order to continue. Save after having made your choice.


  • For Mailplus and Silverpop, you must provide the server name;

  • For Tripolis, you must also select the integration and module you're using. The Tripolis integration must first be completed under the project settings. Please read this article to learn how to do so.

  • For other / manual email systems, you must insert the email name.

Step 2: Implement Code

There are two ways of implementing the code of your feedback form in your email: either use the default widget or create your own widget and use the URLs. 

Use default widget

If you want to use the CloseAlert default widget as shown above, copy the HTML of this widget by selecting the 'Copy HTML' button. Paste this code into your email template.
Select 'Show code' to view the HTML for this default.

Create your own widget (Use URLs)

If you use a custom CloseAlert widget in your email template, select the 'Use URL's' option. Copy and paste the positive and negative URL separately in your design.
These URLs are essentially the link to the feedback form and ensure the correct answer is captured in CloseAlert. 

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